SCHRA Supports our County’s Veterans Service Offices
SCHRA is proud to support our Veterans and honored to support each county’s Veterans Service Office. This year we were able to turn that support into $2,000.00 assistance grants for each county’s office. This money, which comes from Community Service Block Grant funding is able to be used by each county’s director as needed to support their county’s veterans. These directors know better than anyone exactly what their veterans need. This money is able to be used for items such as transportation assistance to the VA, medical equipment such as walkers or shower chairs, groceries and crisis rental assistance among others. We are thankful for all of our veterans service to our nation and are honored to be able to give direct assistance to those same veterans.
(Photos left to right: Marshall County VSO Director, Jeremy Moorehead and SCHRA Community Advocate Coordinator, Patricia Keenan, — Hickman County VSO Director, Rick Humphrey and SCHRA CAC, Patricia Keenan and Coffee County Mayor, Gary Cordell, VSO Director, Gene Stillings and SCHRA CAC, Patricia Keenan)
(Photos from left to right Franklin County Mayor David Alexander, VSO Service Officer Michelle Stovall and SCHRA CAC Patricia Keenan; Moore County Mayor Bonnie Lewis and SCHRA CAC Patricia Keenan; Bedford County Mayor Chad Graham, Director of Finance Robert Daniel, VSO Administrator Pamela Roberson and SCHRA CAC Patricia Keenan)